The Mystery Of Philadelphia’s Eastern State Penitentiary

Step inside the haunting walls of Philadelphia’s Eastern State Penitentiary and be transported to a world of mysterious stories and inexplicable occurrences. At this abandoned prison turned museum, you will discover a myriad of enigmas waiting to be unraveled. From eerie sightings and unexplained sounds to tales of ghostly apparitions, Eastern State Penitentiary holds secrets that continue to fascinate visitors from around the world. Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey through the past as you delve into the captivating mystery that surrounds this historic landmark.

History of Eastern State Penitentiary

Construction and Purpose

Eastern State Penitentiary, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is an imposing and historic prison that holds a significant place in the nation’s history. This iconic institution was established in 1829 and was the first true penitentiary in the United States. Designed by architect John Haviland, the prison was built with an innovative and radical purpose in mind – to rehabilitate prisoners rather than merely punish them. Eastern State Penitentiary was seen as a revolutionary experiment in penal philosophy, and it served as a model for prisons around the world.

Notable Inmates

Over the years, Eastern State Penitentiary housed a number of high-profile and notorious inmates. One such inmate was Al Capone, the infamous Chicago mob boss, who spent eight months in the penitentiary in 1929-1930 for carrying a concealed weapon. Other notable inmates included bank robber Willie Sutton and Morris “The Rabbi” Bolber, who orchestrated one of the largest counterfeit operations in the country. The presence of these well-known figures added to the prison’s legacy and intrigue.

Closure and Preservation

Despite its historical significance, Eastern State Penitentiary closed its doors as a functioning prison in 1971 due to deteriorating conditions and mounting maintenance costs. However, the importance of preserving this architectural gem was recognized, and the site was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1965. Since then, efforts have been made to maintain and restore the prison, resulting in its availability today as a museum and tourist attraction.

Architectural Features

Radial Design

One of the standout features of Eastern State Penitentiary is its unique and innovative radial design. The prison’s layout consisted of a central hub, resembling the spokes of a wheel, with cellblocks radiating from the center. This design allowed for easy surveillance by a small number of guards stationed in the hub, reducing the need for extensive manpower. Additionally, the radial design created a sense of isolation for the prisoners, reinforcing the idea of penitence and reflection.


The cellblocks at Eastern State Penitentiary were meticulously designed to maximize security and control. Each cell was constructed with thick walls and a small, heavily-barred window, limiting prisoners’ contact with the outside world. These cells were also equipped with a small exercise yard, providing inmates with limited exposure to fresh air and natural light. The individual nature of these cells, along with the strict solitude enforced, was intended to encourage introspection and remorse in the prisoners.

Guard Towers

To further ensure security and surveillance, guard towers were strategically placed throughout the prison grounds. These towers offered a commanding view of the entire facility, allowing guards to monitor the activities of inmates and respond quickly to any disturbances. The presence of these watchtowers added an element of intimidation, reminding prisoners of the constant surveillance they were under.

Alleged Hauntings and Ghost Stories

Cellblock 12

Like many prisons with a tumultuous history, Eastern State Penitentiary has its fair share of paranormal legends and ghost stories. One of the most famous haunted areas is Cellblock 12, also known as the “Death Row” of the time. Visitors and staff have reported hearing inexplicable whispers and eerie footsteps in this area, as well as feeling an overwhelmingly negative energy. The stories surrounding Cellblock 12 contribute to the prison’s reputation as a hotspot for supernatural encounters.

The Forbidding Room

Another area rumored to be haunted is the “Forbidding Room,” where inmates were reportedly subjected to cruel and unusual punishment. Visitors have reported feeling an intense sense of unease and discomfort in this room, as if they are being watched or accompanied by an unseen presence. These chilling experiences only add to the mystique and intrigue of Eastern State Penitentiary.

The Hospital

The prison’s hospital wing is another location notorious for ghostly activity. This area, where medical experiments and treatments were conducted, has been the site of numerous reports of apparitions, disembodied voices, and unexplained phenomena. Visitors often describe feeling a heavy and oppressive atmosphere in this part of the prison, evoking a sense of the suffering that occurred within its walls.

Infamous Escape Attempts

Tunnel Escape

Eastern State Penitentiary’s reputation for strict security did not deter some inmates from attempting audacious escapes. One such escape attempt took place in 1945 when 12 inmates, dubbed the “Tunnel Rats,” dug a tunnel beneath the prison walls using spoons and other makeshift tools. Their plan was eventually foiled when prison authorities discovered the tunnel and put a stop to their escape.

Al Capone’s Cell Escape

Perhaps the most well-known escape involving Eastern State Penitentiary is associated with the notorious gangster Al Capone. Despite his high-profile status, Capone managed to escape from his cell by bribing a guard. This daring escape fueled Capone’s legend and highlighted the shortcomings of the prison’s security measures.

The Convict Rope Gang

In 1923, a group of prisoners attempting to escape Eastern State Penitentiary formed what became known as the “Convict Rope Gang.” These desperate inmates braided bedsheets together to create a makeshift rope and used it in an attempt to scale the prison walls. Unfortunately for them, their escape was thwarted by vigilant guards before they could make a successful getaway.

Famous Visitors and Pop Culture References

Charles Dickens

Renowned author Charles Dickens visited Eastern State Penitentiary during his 1842 tour of the United States. He was deeply moved by the atmosphere of the prison and later likened it to a “model” penitentiary in his travel book, “American Notes.” Dickens’ visit brought international attention to Eastern State Penitentiary and solidified its reputation as an innovative and influential institution.

Nikki Giovanni

In more recent times, acclaimed poet Nikki Giovanni also explored the haunting corridors of Eastern State Penitentiary. Struck by the oppressive ambiance of the prison, she wrote several poems inspired by her visit, further capturing the eerie and contemplative essence of the penitentiary.

Films and TV shows

Eastern State Penitentiary has also made appearances in various films and TV shows, adding to its fame and intrigue. Notable works filmed on location include the critically acclaimed film “Twelve Monkeys” and the popular television series “Ghost Hunters.” These appearances have helped to cement the prison’s status as a cultural landmark.

The Penitentiary’s Influence on Prison Reform

The Pennsylvania System

Eastern State Penitentiary was instrumental in introducing and popularizing the Pennsylvania System, also known as the separate system, in American correctional practices. This system prioritized solitary confinement and separation, with each inmate housed in an individual cell for the duration of their sentence. The goal was to encourage reflection, repentance, and moral reform through isolation and introspection.

The Auburn System

While the Pennsylvania System made a significant impact in the realm of prison reform, it was not without its flaws. The rival Auburn System emerged as an alternative approach, emphasizing congregate labor and communal living while still maintaining strict discipline. This system eventually gained traction and led to changes in the way prisons were operated, both in the United States and abroad.

The Impact of Eastern State

Eastern State Penitentiary’s innovative design and philosophies influenced the development of penitentiary systems worldwide. Its emphasis on solitary confinement and individual rehabilitation set the stage for how prisons would be constructed and operated for decades to come. The practices and experiments conducted within its walls had far-reaching implications for the field of penology and shaped the course of prison reform.

Controversies and Unsolved Mysteries

The Unknown Design Architect

One enduring mystery surrounding Eastern State Penitentiary is the true identity of its design architect. While John Haviland is credited as the official architect, recent research suggests that the prison’s innovative design may have also involved other architects, anonymously contributing to its creation. Unraveling the truth of who was involved in the design process continues to be a subject of speculation and intrigue.

The Shadowy Grotto

Another unexplained feature of Eastern State Penitentiary is the enigmatic “Shadowy Grotto.” This space, hidden within the prison’s infrastructure, is believed to have served some unknown purpose. Its existence was recently discovered, leading to intriguing questions about the secret activities that may have taken place within.

Hidden Tunnels

Throughout the years, rumors have persisted about a vast network of hidden tunnels beneath Eastern State Penitentiary. These tunnels were supposedly used for various purposes, including escape attempts and clandestine operations. Despite extensive investigations and surveys, these tunnels remain elusive, leaving room for speculation and fascination among visitors and researchers alike.

Eastern State Penitentiary Today

Tours and Exhibits

Today, Eastern State Penitentiary stands as a testament to both the dark history and the architectural significance of America’s early penitentiary system. Visitors can explore the prison’s eerie hallways and desolate cellblocks on guided tours, gaining insight into the harsh living conditions and the daily lives of its inmates. The tours provide a captivating and thought-provoking experience, shedding light on the realities of the past.

Annual Events

Eastern State Penitentiary also hosts a variety of annual events that cater to different interests. The most famous event is “Terror Behind the Walls,” a haunted house experience that takes advantage of the penitentiary’s eerie ambiance to create a spine-chilling attraction. Additionally, the prison serves as the backdrop for historical reenactments, art installations, and other engaging events that bring its stories and history to life.

Preservation Efforts

Preserving the historical integrity and architectural significance of Eastern State Penitentiary is of paramount importance. Efforts to restore and maintain the prison have been ongoing since its closure, ensuring that future generations can learn from and appreciate this cultural landmark. The preservation initiatives undertaken by the Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site, Inc. have earned widespread acclaim and continue to inspire similar efforts worldwide.

The Eastern State Penitentiary Museum

Collections and Artifacts

Within the confines of Eastern State Penitentiary, the museum showcases a diverse collection of artifacts and exhibits that offer a deep dive into the prison’s history. Visitors can view authentic inmate artwork, historical documents, and prisoner belongings, gaining a more intimate understanding of the lives led within these walls. The carefully curated collection provides a poignant glimpse into the past.

Educational Programs

The museum also offers educational programs and resources for visitors of all ages. These programs range from guided tours tailored to specific age groups to interactive workshops and lectures on topics such as prison reform and the history of incarceration. By engaging visitors in a thought-provoking and educational manner, the museum continues to foster understanding and promote dialogue about the complexities of the prison system.

Research Opportunities

Eastern State Penitentiary’s museum facilitates research efforts, allowing scholars and historians to delve deeper into the prison’s rich history. Researchers can access archives, historical records, and expert guidance, contributing to the collective understanding of Eastern State’s place in penitentiary history. By providing these research opportunities, the museum ensures that ongoing discoveries and insights are brought to light.


Eastern State Penitentiary stands as an architectural marvel and a significant chapter in the history of prison reform. From its groundbreaking design and innovative philosophies to its haunting legends and unsolved mysteries, the penitentiary continues to captivate and intrigue visitors from around the world. Through preservation efforts, educational programs, and ongoing research, the complex tale of Eastern State Penitentiary will remain a poignant reminder of our collective past, as well as a beacon of hope for a more enlightened future in the realm of criminal justice.